Policies & Procedures
- Academic-Freedom-Policy
- Academic-Integrity-Policy-and-Procedure
- Academic-Learning-Support-Contract
- Academic-Progression-Policy-and-Procedure
- Admission-Policy-and-Procedure
- Academic Quality Assurance Framework
- Assessment Policy and Procedure
- Assessment Review Policy
- Corruption-Fraud-and-Mismanagement-Policy-and-Procedure
- Credit-and-Recognition-of-Prior-Learning-Policy-and-Procedure
- Critical Incident and Emergency Management Policy and Procedure
- Graduation-and-Issuance-Policy-and-Procedure
- Health-and-Safety-Policy-and-Procedure
- ICT-Usage-Policy-and-Procedure
- IEE LMS Guide
- Intellectual-Property-Policy-and-Procedure
- Library-Services-and-Learning-Resource-Policy-and-Procedure
- Orientation-deck
- Orientation Program
- Personal-Information-and-Privacy-Policy-and-Procedure
- RPL process
- Sexual-Assault-and-Sexual-Harassment-Prevention-Policy-and-Procedure
- Student-Appeals-Policy-and-Procedure
- Student-Code-of-Conduct
- Student-Complaint-Correspondence-Templates
- Student-Equity-and-Diversity-Policy-and-Procedure
- Student-Enrolment-and-Completion-Policy
- Student-Fee-Policy
- Student-Grievance-Policy-and-Procedure
- Student-Handbook
- Student-Misconduct-Policy-and-Procedure
- Student-Orientation-Policy-and-Procedure
- Student Reasonable Adjustments Supporting Documentation Form
- Student-Refunds-Policy
- Student-Representation-and-Election-Policy-and-Procedure
- Student Support Framework
- Student-Transfer-Policy-and-Procedure
- Student Wellbeing Policy and Procedure
- WIL Student Handbook
- Work Integrated Learning Policy and Procedure
- Work Integrated Learning Partner Framework
Academic News

News about Imperial Engineering Education
Senator Andrew McLachlan CSC recently shared his insights on the incredible efforts of Imperial Engineering Education College in shaping the next generation of engineers. He highlighted the critical role that engineering plays in driving Australia’s future. A massive thank you to Senator McLachlan for reminding us that a strong engineering and the education sector is essential

How to Become an Advanced Manufacturing Engineer
As an Advance manufacturing engineer you’ll have a high level of technical expertise and skill, which you’ll use to plan, design, set up, modify, optimise and monitor manufacturing processes . Since the basic principles of Advance manufacturing engineering apply to all industries, you can work in numerous sectors, including: Biotechnology Food and Drink Oil Pharmaceuticals

How to Become a Renewable Energy Engineer
How to Become a Renewable Energy Engineer With a government pledge of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the Australian renewable energy industry is more important than ever. It is therefore no surprise that the demand for renewable energy engineers is projected to grow as a result. The renewable energy sector is developing quickly and it’s